
Tips For Driving

Even as a skilled driver, there is always something new you can learn about driving. Here are some great tips that may help you on your next trip:

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Defensive driving is a mindset and skillset that will keep you and your passengers safe.
Seat belts are not only required by law but they are also crucial for your safety
You should never drive when tired or sleepy because it reduces reaction time and awareness. It also impairs judgment and worse, you may fall asleep behind the wheel. Driving when tired is similar to driving under the influence. However, we all experience this situation, especially after a long day at work or during a road trip that lasts for hours or days.
There is a certain distance you should keep when driving. This distance changes depending on the road and the speed you are traveling at. For speeds under 30mph, you will want to keep a car length or two between you and the vehicle ahead of you. This distance should increase as your speed increases. This will give you time to react if something were to happen to the vehicle ahead of you.
Even though our driving school is in Texas, we know that driving in the snow will eventually come up for you. It cannot be helped that you’ll travel further out of the state for your future trips and if it’s winter season, you will want to know how to drive safely in different weather conditions. Driving in the winter does require a different way of thinking and driving. Here are a few tips that can keep you safe during the winter out of the road:

Want to learn more tips about driving safe? Enroll at A Addison Driving School!

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